MAK Water’s CEO Andy Byk has been elected by a board of peers to sit on the AWA West Australian branch committee.
Western Australian Branch
The Australian Water Association WA Branch provides a wide range of services to share information and knowledge, connect members with industry and stakeholders, and inspire positive change. The Branch aims to provide individuals with career enrichment and organisations with business opportunities. The WA Branch endeavours to serve its members and others in the water industry of WA by being the leading provider of forums for education and debate of issues in the industry. The WA Branch holds events to:
- Provide networking opportunities
- Transfer knowledge to water professionals
- Promote water industry affairs
- Provide branding opportunities for corporate members and others
- Increase the water industry’s profile in the community
- Take active involvement in new water legislation and other matters of importance to the industry
- Provide specific niche market forums for the industry and members
- Promote innovation
The WA Young Water Professional (YWP) network exists to engage, represent, serve and inspire young or new water professionals with less than 10 year’s experience. We seek to provide a platform for members to share information, grow expertise and collaborate effectively on local and global sustainable water management issues via presentations, workshops, conferences and social events.
You can learn more about the WA Committee here.