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The Smart Water People

water | wastewater | sewage

Clearing up Water Clarification

June 6th, 2018

OUR industrial water recycling systems and wastewater treatment plants are designed and manufactured right here in Australia. The treatment systems allow you to treat a contaminated water source, such as process wastewater, contaminated ground water, wash-bay wastewater or storm water runoff, to a level that’s suitable for compliant discharge or reuse.

MAK Water has an array of different treatment technologies to suit your needs, all of these systems can be designed to treat the water for disposal or for recycling. Understanding the nature of your raw water is imperative in order to come up with a fit for purpose solution.


Product Commonly used Application

Oil Water Separator (OWS)

Removal of oil and grease from mechanical workshops and heavy equipment wash bays

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

Used in wash bays for removal of suspended solids and heavy metals, where emulsified hydrocarbons are present

Gravity Clarifier (GC)

Used in wash bays for removal of suspended solids and heavy metals, where low levels of free floating hydrocarbons are present
Lamella Inclined Plate Clarifier (LAMELLA) Used to remove high concentrations of suspended solids from water, where the solids have a specific gravity >1.0. 


Notable Features & Benefits

  1. Bespoke Designs
    If you have specific requirements, MAK Water can design a fit for purpose solution.

  2. Remote monitoring via ClearAccess
    MAK Water’s ClearAccess™ gives you new ways of interacting with your system knowing that you can count on your system to take care of itself, and alert you if your attention is needed.

  3. Turnkey Solution
    Design and construction of wastewater treatment system and national service team for ongoing service and support Australia wide guaranteeing ongoing compliance.

What can MAK Water do?

MAK Water has over 25 years’ of experience in the design, manufacture and maintenance of water treatment plants and can supply a system exactly tailored to your needs. MAK Water works collaboratively with each client to review site specific requirements and define the best treatment process in order to ensure regulations are met. Where practical we will take a sample of the water that needs treatment and undertake bench tests to verify that it contains the expected contaminants and then recommend a suitable treatment process. Whatever the requirement is, we have a solution ready to implement. MAK Water designs and manufactures a wide range of technologies typically used for wash bay applications.



“The MAK Water brand is now well established within the marina industry. The systems are recognised by local councils and relevant State departments. This is the third facility that I have managed where we have implemented a MAK Water system. Past experiences with all equipment have been positive. The support offered by the MAK Water team has always been immediate. In essence the product represents a ‘win win’ for industry and environment.”


“We selected MAK Water to develop a system for treating and recycling water from our wash down facility for reuse back through the wash bay, as they have demonstrated great success with their equipment and are extremely well regarded within the water treatment industry. We have been satisfied with our MAK Water experience and plan to use them again in the future.”



MAK Water works collaboratively with each client to review site specific requirements and define the best treatment process in order to ensure regulations and client objectives are met.
Whatever the requirement is, we have a solution ready to implement.

View our project experience here.

For Smart Water Solutions, contact MAK Water on 1800 893 195 to discuss your water clarification project.