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The Smart Water People

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Enquire about Oil Water Separator (OWS)

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Oil Water Separator (OWS)




Melbourne’s major airport Tullamarine treats waste water after it has been used to clean Aircraft bodies and undercarriages from the maintenance hangars prior to discharging to sewer. Whilst the site had an existing waste water treatment plant it needed upgrading to meet trade waste license commitments and improve reliability. The site approached MAK Water to carry out an assessment and provide a plan to remove the old water treatment system, tanks and infrastructure, and design build and install a new plant. MAK Water was selected as the preferred contractor due to the ability to tailor a design that would meet the foot print of the area, be cost effective, reliable, and using quality equipment with a quick delivery timeline.


MAK Water was engaged to install an Oil Water Separator (OWS) and a pH neutralisation unit (PAF), the equipment was built to meet the site’s discharge compliance requirements. Simple, efficient, reliable and long lasting, with a quick turnaround from removal of the old plant to full operational status of the new plant. The work was carried out on site in 5 working days from plant removal to the new plant handover to the client.


  • Fast turnaround.Efficient, local, custom design and build achieved a quick turnaround for MAK Water to meet the client’s needs
  • Commitment. Understanding the local water authority requirements and exceeding them
  • Continual operation. The plant has run over 12 months without any failures, or conformance issues
  • Built for purpose.The plant is built for longevity and reliability throughout the plants life cycle
  • Training. Training of the key site personnel to understand the operational methodology, and monitoring requirements for compliance
  • Local. The plant was built in Australia using materials sourced from local suppliers. Providing superior build quality and spare part availability.