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Enquire about Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO), Multimedia Filtration (MMF)

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Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO), Multimedia Filtration (MMF)


Perth, Western Australia


Perth’s North Metropolitan TAFE (NMTAFE) offers a Certificate III in Water Industry Operations, as well as education & training for apprentice plumbers. Looking to upgrade the teaching with a real water treatment plant for students to gain hands-on learning, NMTAFE worked closely with MAK Water to procure an industry-built simulator. MAK Water is very proud to have executed on the opportunity to build a training tool for the next generation of Australian water treatment professionals. The plant enables students to gain experience of the scenarios they are likely to encounter in the field after their studies. It also allows trainers and assessors the flexibility to create faults in the systems for the students to diagnose and correct.


Skid mounted 10m3/day Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO-10), installed in dedicated training room.


  • Rotary Drum Screen (FTR) inlet screen
  • ClearAccessTM Remote Access enabling remote support from MAK Water’s technicians
  • Flexible commercial model to accommodate Government NFP training organisation’s budget
  • Onsite plant commissioning
  • Designed for instructors to easily adjust settings and parameters for students to troubleshoot
  • Pre-filtration and chemical dosing systems as would be found in the field
  • Recirculating and CIP tanks with level indicators
  • Packaged for accessibility for students to work on, and aesthetics in a glass-walled room, on display in the TAFE building
  • Both rotameter and digital style flow meters to give students experience on both types.


  • Safety. Overflows, and associated hazards eliminated.
  • Water community. MAK Water is proud to be supporting the training of future water treatment professionals.
  • Technical Support. Expert advice and consultation with all parties throughout the process and ongoing plant service and maintenance by MAK Water
  • Locally engineered. Enables a Perth training institution to showcase to students the locally available manufacturing from a potential employer
  • Realism. Built by an OEM, the plant gives students the best possible hands-on training experience.