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MAK Water appointed to deliver desalination system for Carnegie Wave Energy Limited

February 12th, 2014

In December 2013, Carnegie announced the award of the manufacturing and construction contract for its wave powered Desalination Pilot Plant to Perth-based MAK Industrial Water Solutions. MAK Industrial Water Solutions is an experienced provider of reverse osmosis desalination solutions throughout Western Australia and nationally.

Manufacturing of the pilot is now well advanced with the assembly of the first elements of the containerised Reverse Osmosis filtration plant. Key elements of the desalination plant control system have also now been successfully tested by process control system supplier ABB in their facilities in Victoria and now delivered to Perth. The mechanical assembly of the hydraulic motor (the key interface with the Perth Wave Energy Project onshore power plant) will now follow.

The containerised desalination plant is on track for Factory Acceptance Testing at MAK Industrial Water Solution’s Perth facility ahead of delivery to the Garden Island onshore site in mid-March 2014.

Excerpt from Carnegie ASX Announcement 12 Feb 2014.