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Enquire about Chlorine Gas Disinfection Recirculation

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Chlorine Gas Disinfection Recirculation

MAK Water’s Chlorine Gas Disinfection Recirculation (CGDR) Plants are designed to automatically maintain the correct amount of free chlorine in a potable water storage tank, in accordance with Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). The standard treatment process includes a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the potable water storage tank twice in a 24 hour period, an inline chlorine analyser which monitors residual free chlorine and a dosing system to automatically dose chlorine gas as required.

The system components are sized to suit the potable water storage tank and daily water usage. Options are provided for duty standby recirculation and dosing systems to improve plant reliability. MAK Chlorine Gas Disinfection Plants are available as skid mounted, or be manufactured into a purpose built container, insulated and air conditioned.

If you have specific requirements, contact us about our custom water disinfection systems.