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Multimedia Filtration


MAK Water’s Multimedia Filtration (MMF) plants are designed to treat ground water, surface water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water or wastewater with <30 mg/L of total suspended solids. Standard filtration media includes sand media for suspended solids removal, granular activated carbon (GAC) for removal of organics, colour, odour or chlorine and DMI-65 greensand for dissolved iron and manganese. Additional filtration media, such as calcite for hardness correction and various ion exchange resins, are available on request.

Additional pre-filtration and post-filtration treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements. The MAK Water MMF plants are available as skid mounted or containerised systems.

If you have specific requirements, contact us about our custom water filtration systems.


Parameter Units MMF-0050 MMF-0150 MMF-0250 MMF-0500 MMF-1000 MMF-2500 MMF-5000
Filtrate flow rate*1 m3/day 50 150 250 500 1,000 2,500 5,000
Feed/filtrate water flow m3/hr 2.1 6.4 10.6 21.3 42.6 106.4 212.8
Backwash water flow m3/hr 1.5~3 x feed water flow (varies according to configuration and feed water quality)
Power consumption Feed/backwash pump*2, *3 kW 1.1 2.2 3 5.5 11 30 55
Air conditioned containers*2 1.9 kW per 20’ container / 3.8 kW per 40’ container (includes internal lighting)
Power supply - AC 415V, 3 Phase 50 Hz (AC 240V, 1 Phase 50 Hz available for small plants)
Recovery rate % 90~98% (varies according to media selection and feed water quality)
Filtration velocity Sand Media m/hr 20 (design value can be adjusted to suit feed water quality)
DMI-65 media 10 (design value can be adjusted to suit feed water quality)
Empty bed contact time GAC media min. 10 (design value can be adjusted to suit feed water quality)
UV dose rate*2 mJ/cm2 Typical >40 @ 90% UVT
Feed/backwash water inlet
Without pump kPa 300~600 (pressurised feed/backwash water by client)
With pump ≥20 (flooded suction)
Pressure drop Sand media kPa 50~200
DMI-65 media 50~200
GAC media 50~200
Cartridge filter*2 50~200
Skid mounted °C 5~30
Containerised -5~40
Containerised with insulation -15~50


Parameter Units Sand media DMI-65 media GAC media
Feed water Filtrate Feed water Filtrate Feed water Filtrate
Temperature °C 5~36 5~36 5~36
Total suspended solids (TSS) mg/L <30 <5*4 <5 <5*4 <5 <5*4
Turbidity NTU <15 <5*4 <5 <5*4 <5 <5*4
Filtration degree µm 5 - -
Dissolved iron & manganese mg/L - - <10 <0.1 - -
Total organic carbon (TOC) mg/L - - - - <10 <0.1
Colour  HCU - - - - Up to 98% reduction
Trihalomethanes µg/L - - - - <1,000 <250*5

*1Based on operating for 23.5 hours per day with 0.5 hours downtime for backwashing, *2Optional equipment, *3Pump size may vary according to feed water quality and plant configuration, *4Nominal, can be improved with optional 1 micron cartridge filter, *5Dependent on competing organics


✓= Standard Supply, o = Optional Supply, - = Not Applicable

Equipment MMF-0050 MMF-0150 MMF-0250 MMF-0500 MMF-1000 MMF-2500 MMF-5000
Skid mounted plant / equipment
uPVC / HDPE inlet and outlet pipe work / manifolds, manual isolation and sampling valves
Auto-backwashing FRP filter vessel(s)
Feed / backwash pump with electrical controls o o o o o o o
Chemical dosing system(s)*1 o o o o o o o
PVC cartridge filter(s) (1µm) o o o o o o o
UV steriliser o o o o o o o

Containerised with air conditioning, overhead lighting and GPO’s for maintenance

Standard supply o o o o o o o
With non-slip floor coating o o o o o o o
With non-slip floor coating and insulation o o o o o o o
PLC control system with touch screen HMI o o o o o o o
Instrumentation Standard package
Premium package with ClearAccess remote monitoring*2 o o o o o o o


Instrumentation and Controls Sand media instrument package DMI-65 media instrument package GAC media instrument package
Standard  Premium Standard  Premium Standard  Premium
Pressure gauges on inlet/outlet manifolds 
Raw water and filtrate tank float level switches  - - -
Raw water and filtrate tank level transmitters  - - -
Pressure switch (feed/backwash pump discharge)
Chemical dosing tank float level switches
Pressure transmitters on inlet/outlet manifolds - - -
Flow transmitter (treated water) - - -
Turbidity analyser (treated water) - - - -
ClearAccess™ remote monitoring and control capabilities - - -
pH transmitter (with optional acid or caustic dosing)
ORP transmitter (with optional de-chlorination/SMBS dosing)
ORP transmitter (with DMI-65 media and hypo dosing) - - - -
UV intensity sensor/monitor (with optional UV steriliser) - - -

*1DMI-65 media requires flow paced hypochlorite dosing system for iron and manganese removal, *2Requires PLC control system


Disclaimer: MAK Water is continuously updating and improving its products and services, so please contact us for more detailed information or to confirm specifications. MAK Water takes no responsibility for any errors resulting from the use of information contained on this page.