MAK Water is proud to be supporting the great programmes that Anglicare Southern Queensland run to improve the lives of people in need, with our donation being used to help children in foster care. Read the full article here:
MAK Water Queensland Branch Manager Jon Keenan-Smith said it was important to give back to not-for-profit organisations such as Anglicare who are doing excellent work within the community.
“The main reason for us was hearing stories about children in foster care. We’re all very fortunate for the most part to have stable families, but that’s not the case for everyone,” Mr Keenan-Smith said.
“We saw Anglicare and all the work that they do to support children that are in that very unfortunate position and it’s a cause that is very important to us and we’re very happy to get behind it.”
“We identified as a leadership group a few years ago that it was all good and well to point to your bottom line and how much money you’re making, but to be able to have taken stock of that and be able to set aside some of that funding to support community groups that might not be as fortunate as us, so it is very important to give back and we are happy to support Anglicare who are doing excellent work in the community,” he said.