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Enquire about Ultra Filtration (UF)

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Ultra Filtration (UF)

Tourism and Leisure

New South Wales


A resort reached out to MAK Water as their potable water treatment plant that was not meeting the throughput required to meet the demands of peak season during school holidays. The system had originally been designed to produce 200m3/day but had struggled to produce these volumes.

MAK Water reviewed the existing design and found that the system had not been designed to handle the variability of the river water that feeds the plant. MAK Water ran a computer simulation based on feed water analyses and subsequently engineered a solution that would meet the peak demands when the feed water quality was at its worst.


The existing system was stripped back to the control panel and instrumentation. An additional 33% of membrane capacity was added to the system as well as larger chemical dosing pumps and blower for air scouring the media filters.

The existing water treatment plant layout made maintenance very difficult so some of the equipment inside the container was moved to outside to create a space that was safer to work in for operators and maintenance staff.


Demand satisfied. Up to 220,000L of potable water a day. No more trucking in water during peak times.
Safety. Log reduction of bateria via Ultrafiltration
Savings. 25% of the cost of replacing the water treatment plant
Minimised waste. By reusing equipment