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The Smart Water People

water | wastewater | sewage

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Manufacturers are constantly looking to reduce costs, reduce wastage and streamline operations. MAK Water specialises in water and wastewater treatment solutions for manufacturing applications.

From high purity demineralised water or process water treatment for re-use and recycling, to wastewater treatment for disposal or re-use, MAK Water’s wide range of plant design means we can meet all your site water and wastewater treatment requirements. MAK Water takes a consultative approach to solving our clients’ water problems; you can rely on us for smart advice.

Manufacturing Applications


Compliant Discharge

MAK Water understands the importance of regulatory compliance for trade waste discharge and can provide full custom solutions for your manufacturing project.

Typical applications include:

  • Oil water separators, gravity clarifiers and dissolved air flotation plants for wash bays
  • Gravity clarifier, filtration and pH adjustment for building materials manufacturing
  • Dissolved air flotation and gravity clarifiers for printing, paper and cardboard manufacturing
  • Dissolved air flotation, screening and filtration for plastic and foam manufacturing
  • Gravity clarifiers, filtration and pH adjustment for chemical manufacturing

Recycling and Reuse

As water becomes more expensive and less abundant, recycling water can result in significant cost savings for your business. MAK Water provides innovative treatment systems for water recycling and reuse onsite to minimise your wastewater discharge and water usage costs.

Typical applications include:

  • Oil water separators, clarifiers and dissolved air flotation plants for vehicle or equipment wash bays
  • Dissolved air flotation, screening, filtration and clarifiers for factory process water recycling
  • Oil water separators, clarifiers and dissolved air flotation plants for Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) wash down
  • Screening, filtration and clarifiers for construction sites and equipment hire locations
  • Oil water separators, clarifiers and filtration plants for rain and storm water harvesting


Industrial Process

Many industrial plants require clean treated water for internal operations. MAK Water can provide solutions to produce high purity water at your manufacturing facility for various processes including operations, chemical mixing and product cleaning.

Typical applications include:

  • Demineralised water plants for boiler and cooling tower make-up
  • Water softening and Ion exchange plants for boiler and cooling tower make-up
  • Demineralised water for process water
  • Ultrafiltration or media filtration for process water

Potable / Drinking Water

As water becomes more expensive, producing your own potable water, which is often used throughout the process as well as for drinking, can result in significant cost savings to your business.

Typical applications include:

  • Water softening plants for potable water
  • Ultrafiltration or media filtration plants for potable water
  • Sterilisation systems to maintain safe water storage and distribution