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The Smart Water People

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Enquire about Compact Screw Screen (SSG)

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Compact Screw Screen (SSG)

The Compact Screw Screen model SSG is an economical solution for screening of industrial wastewater or domestic sewage. The Compact Screw Screen can be installed such that screened effluent discharges under gravity directly in the downstream process tank or can be fitted inside an optional stainless steel tank in which screen effluent is captured. Installation is straightforward with flanged inlet connection (and outlet connection for tank version).



  • Low maintenance and low initial investment
  • High solids removal efficiency
  • Up to 40% reduction in volume & weight of screenings after compaction
  • Inlet flow rate; up to 72m3/h
  • 3 or 6 mm rounded screen element holes


Parameter Units SSG-168 SSG-219
Treatment capacity*1 3mm rounded holes m3/h 29 43
6mm rounded holes


  Total length   1661 2248
  Screen basket length   470 550
Approximate Dimensions Screen basket diameter mm 168 219
  Overall height with tank*2   1716 1861
  Inlet   100 150
Flanged connections*3 Tank outlet x2 DIN 100 150
Installed motor power kW 0.25 0.37
Screw gear reducer speed rpm 11 11
Empty weight: screen only / with tank x2 kg 80 / 130 90 / 150
Washwater requirements @3 / 5 bar*4 L/min 23 / 30 23 / 30
  1. Based on influent wastewater TSS not exceeding 400 mg/L, maximum capacity, not to be exceeded
  2. Optional in-tank version (screen installed in tank)
  3. Flanges are stainless steel lap joint type, 15mm thick, according to AS4087 PN16
  4. Can be operated without washing for influent wastewater TSS < 250 mg/L



Equipment Standard Supply Optional Supply
Rounded holes screen element 3mm or 6mm -
Machine carpentry including flange, collar support bracket, washing bar(s) and optional tank w/ flange SS304L, bolts A2 (SS304) -
SS316L, bolts A4 (SS316) -
  High carbon steel (HCS) painted -
Screw SS304L -
  SS316L -
Drive motor protection IP55 -
Screen basket cleaning, bolted nylon brushes -
Support basket (used to attach / fix screen in position -
Single washing bar with manual valve -
Double washing bars with one manual valve -
Stainless steel tank (for in-tank screen assembly) -
Surface treatments *1 -
  1. Stainless steel parts: stripping with acid solution, passivation with glass particles, final surfaces cleaning with anti-dust oil. Carbon steel parts: sandblasting SA 2.5 for external anti-rust paint RAL 5015


Instrumentation & Controls Standard Supply Optional Supply
Solenoid valve kit(s) for selected washing system(s) 24VDC -
Control panel to AS/NZS3000, for external installation (supplied loose) -