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The Smart Water People

water | wastewater | sewage

How can we help you?

We can find a solution for your needs

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If your water treatment equipment isn’t delivering what you need, is unreliable or inefficient, then let MAK Water help you design a suitable upgrade.

Regardless of whether your existing equipment is a MAK Water system, a Clearmake™ system or any other manufacturer’s equipment, MAK Water can assess your current situation and provide you with a solution.

Plant simulation and modelling

As there are many variables to water treatment plant design our engineers utilise the latest software to design, build/ upgrade our systems, and continually refine and optimise our equipment to ensure your costs are kept down and energy use is minimised.

Some of the software our teams utilises includes:

  • BioWin
  • IMS (Integrated Membrane Solutions) Design
  • ROSA (Reverse Osmosis System Analysis)

Upgrades and Refurbishment

MAK Water offers extensive experience of on-site servicing, refurbishment and upgrade of existing water and wastewater treatment plants for our clients across Australia.

Our services include refurbishment and upgrade of water treatment plants to comply with individual local water authority/ client specification, allowing the water company to take on ownership, maintenance and running of the plant.

While work is taking place, MAK Water can also supply a temporary mobile treatment system to ensure water treatment is not disrupted and compliant for the site.

Please do not hesitate to contact the MAK Water Service Team who can offer a site visit to review existing asset condition and provide cost options for servicing, refurbishment or upgrade of Water and Wastewater treatment plant equipment.