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The Smart Water People

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Chemical Dosing (CD)

MAK Water’s Chemical Dosing (CD) skids are designed to automatically dose a chemical(s) into a pressurised pipeline. The package includes an inline sensor(s) (pH, ORP or free Chlorine analyser) which monitors the desired output target.


pH Adjustment – Recirculation (PAR)

Our pH Adjustment – Recirculated (PAR) plants are designed to automatically adjust and maintain the pH level of raw water in a storage tank, prior to discharge to sewer/environment or reuse/recycling. The standard treatment process includes a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the storage tank twice in a 24-hour period, an inline pH analyser which monitors the pH level, and a dosing pump to automatically dose liquid alkali/acid. Dual chemical dosing pumps (alkali/acid) are available for when the raw water pH varies to allow for correction of both low and high pH raw water.


pH Adjustment – Flow Paced (PAF)

The pH Adjustment – Flow (PAF) plants are designed to automatically adjust and maintain the pH level of pressurised raw water prior to discharge to sewer/environment or reuse/recycling. The standard treatment process for this type of plant includes an inline pH analyser which monitors the pH level, and a dosing pump to automatically dose liquid alkali/acid. Dual chemical dosing pumps (alkali/acid) are available for when the raw water pH varies to allow for correction of both low and high pH raw water.


pH Adjustment – Batch (PAB)

These MAK Water pH Adjustment – Batch (PAB) plants are designed to automatically adjust and maintain the pH level of raw water in a batch tank prior to discharge to sewer/environment or reuse/recycling. The standard treatment process includes a batch tank, a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the batch tank, an inline pH analyser which monitors the pH level, and a dosing pump to automatically dose liquid alkali/acid. The recirculation pump is also used to discharge the treated water at the end of each batch cycle. Dual chemical dosing pumps (alkali/acid) are available for when the raw water pH varies to allow for correction of both low and high pH raw water.


Polymer Preparation System (ASP)

MAK Water’s Polymer Preparation System (ASP) is a packaged plant used for automated batching of matured polymer solution from liquid concentrate polymer or powder polymer. The ASP is ideal for mechanical sludge dewatering applications and small to medium water and wastewater treatment processes, including clarification and thickening.


If you would like more information about our chlorine and chemical dosing systems and how we can supply your business in Australia, speak to our team at MAK Water by calling 1300 669 032, or send us an enquiry today.