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Enquire about Ultrafiltration

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MAK Water’s Ultrafiltration (UF) plants are designed to treat ground water, surface water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water or wastewater with turbidity <300 NTU. The standard treatment process includes pre-screening (bag filter or self-cleaning screen filter), outside-to-inside capillary ultrafiltration modules, automated air scouring and maintenance cleaning (MC) system, as well as a CIP system for periodic recovery cleaning (RC). The UF system can be configured as either: dead-end for lower turbidity applications, or cross-flow for higher turbidity applications.

Additional pre-filtration and post-filtration treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements.  The MAK Water UF plants are available as skid mounted or containerised systems.

If you have specific requirements, contact us about our custom water filtration systems or ask about our hire options.


Parameter Units UF-0100 UF-0200 UF-0500 UF-1000 UF-2000 UF-3500 UF-5000
Filtrate flow rate (min/max)*1 Low turbidity feed (<100 NTU) m3/
54~100 108~200 269~500 538~1,000 1,077~2,000 1,077~3,500 2,692~5,000
High turbidity feed (<300 NTU) 37~69 74~138 185~346 369~692 738~1,385 1,292~2,423 1,846~3,462
Power consumption*2 Plant / equipment kW 1.7 3.5 4.4 8 11.5 15.5 22.5
Air conditioned containers*3 1.9 per 20’ container, 3.8 per 40’ container (includes internal lighting)
Power supply  - AC 415 V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz 
Recovery rate*1 Low turbidity feed (<100 NTU) % 92~98% (dead-end configuration)
High turbidity feed (<300 NTU) 88~92% (cross-flow configuration)
Average gross flux*1 Low turbidity feed (<100 NTU) L/m2/hr 35~65 (dead-end configuration)
High turbidity feed (<300 NTU) 24~45 (cross-flow configuration)
UF membrane pore size μm 0.08
UV dose rate*1 mJ/cm2 Typical >40 @ 90% UVT
Pressure  Feed water inlet kPa >20 (flooded suction)
Filtrate discharge 150~200
Wastewater discharge 0 (gravity drain)
Ambient temperature
Skid mounted °C 5~30
Containerised  -5~40
Containerised with insulation -15~50


Characteristics Units Feed Water Filtrate
Temperature °C 5~40
Turbidity Dead-end configuration NTU <100 <0.2
Cross-flow configuration <300*3 <0.2
Total suspended solids (TSS) Dead-end configuration NTU <100 <1 
Cross-flow configuration <300 <1 
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/L <20*3 -
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/L <200*3 -
Total organic carbon (TOC) mg/L <15*3 -
Emulsified oil and grease mg/L <2.0*3 -
Free oil and grease mg/L <0.1*3 -
Bacteria removal (UF membrane only) log - ≥4*4
Virus removal (UF membrane only) log - ≥1*4

*1 Values dependent on water quality and may differ between applications, *2 Based on standard equipment supply, *3 Higher values can be treated; consult MAK Water, *4 Additional log credits are available with UV and chlorination; consult MAK Water


✓= Standard Supply, o = Optional Supply, - = Not Applicable

Equipment UF-0100 UF -0200 UF-0500 UF-1000 UF-2000 UF-3500 UF-5000
Skid mounted plant / equipment
UF feed pump 
UF modules
Pre-screen Bag filter or equivalent - - - -
Self-cleaning screen filter  o o o
UF membrane cleaning system MC/RC tank
MC/RC pump
Air scour blower*1 o o o o o o o
Hypochlorite dosing system
Acid dosing system o o o o o o o
Caustic dosing system o o o o o o o
UV steriliser (non-validated*2) o o o o o o o
Feed and/or treated water chemical dosing systems(s) o o o o o o o
Actuated valves Electrically actuated o - - -
Pneumatic air actuated - - -
Air compressor with refrigeration dryer - - -
uPVC / HDPE inlet and outlet pipework / manifolds, manual isolation and sampling valves
Containerised with A/C,
 overhead lighting &
GPOs for maintenance
Standard supply   o o o o o o o
With non-slip floor coating o o o o o o o
With non-slip floor coating and insulation o o o o o o o
PLC control system with touch screen HMI  
Instrumentation  Standard package
Premium package with ClearAccessTM remote monitoring  o o o o o o o


Instrumentation & Controls Standard Package Premium Package
Feed & treated water tank float level switches  -
Feed & treated water tank float level transmitters  -
Chemical dosing & MC/RC tank float level switches 
Pressure switches (air scour and MC/RC pump)
Pressure gauges -
Pressure indicating transmitters (UF feed and filtrate) -
Filtrate flow gauge (rotameter) ✓ (≤UF-0500 only) -
Magnetic flow transmitter (treated water and cross flow recycle) ✓ (>UF-0500 only)
pH transmitter (with feed or filtrate acid or caustic dosing)
Filtrate turbidity analyser (treated water) -
UV intensity sensor/monitor (with UV steriliser) -
ClearAccessTM remote monitoring & control capabilities -


Disclaimer: MAK Water is continuously updating and improving its products and services, so please contact us for more detailed information or to confirm specifications. MAK Water takes no responsibility for any errors resulting from the use of information contained on this page.