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The Smart Water People

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MAK Water’s Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plants are designed to treat sea water, or high salinity ground water, with < 40,000 mg/L of dissolved solids (TDS) and < 30 mg/L of suspended solids (TSS), to achieve potable water quality.

The standard treatment process involves pre filtration (auto-backwashing multimedia filters and cartridge filters), anti-scalant dosing to prevent membrane scaling, RO desalination and auto flushing and CIP systems for membrane cleaning. Additional pre-RO and post-RO treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements.

All MAK Water SWRO plants are available as skid mounted or containerised systems.

If you have specific requirements, contact us to discuss our custom designed desalination plants or ask about our hire options.


Parameter Units SWRO-50 SWRO-100 SWRO-150 SWRO-250 SWRO-500 SWRO-1000
Permeate Flow Rate m3/day 50 100 150 250 500 1000
Permeate Recovery Rate % 40 (typical)
Permeate TDS mg/L <500 (typical)
Raw Water TDS mg/L <40,000
Raw Water TSS mg/L <30
Raw Water Temperature °C  15 ~ 35
Ambient Design Temperature °C 5 ~ 45 (-15 ~ 50 for insulated containerised system)
Feed Water Inlet Pressure  kPa >15 (flooded suction)   
Permeate Discharge Pressure  kPa ~40 (higher discharge pressures available on request)
Brine Discharge Pressure  kPa ~40 (higher discharge pressures available on request)
Power Supply  - AC 380~450 V, 3Phase, 50/60 Hz      
 Standard kW  20  25  35.5  52.5  105  190
 High Efficiency  -  -  26  43  71  142
No. Containers (Optional)    -  1 x 20'  1 x 20'  1 x 40'  1 x 40'  2 x 40'  2 x 40'


✓= Standard Supply o = Optional Supply - = Not Applicable

Equipment SWRO-50 SWRO-100 SWRO-150 SWRO-250 SWRO-500 SWRO-1000
Skid Mounted Plant & Equipment
Low Pressure Feed Pump
High Pressure RO Pump (c/w ERD) Std Efficiency
High Efficiency - - o o o o
Pre-filtration Multimedia o o o
Ultra Filtration o o o o
Cartridge Filters
Anti Scalant Dosing System
Membrane CIP & Auto Flush System
PLC Control System with HMI
Containerised system, c/w A/C & Lights o o o o o o
Container Insulation (walls & ceiling) o o o o o o
Container non-slip floor coverings o o o o o o
Container Side Access Door o o
Additional Pre-RO Treatment o o o o o o
Additional Post-RO Treatment o o o o o o
Premium Instrumentation Package o o o o
Permeate Distribution Pump Set o o o o o o


Instrumentation Standard Package Premium Package
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Transmitters (4-20 mA) -
HP RO Pump Inlet Low Pressure Switch
Flow Gauges (Rotameters) -
Flow Transmitters (4-20 mA) -
Conductivity Transmitter (4-20 mA)
Float Switches (Feed/Permeate, Chemical Dosing & CIP Tanks)
Remote Monitoring & Control Capabilities -